Advance your Medical Career with RGV College!
Our Programs

Vocational Nursing Program

We're one of the few institutions that offers the Vocational Nursing program which prepares our students to become licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing as a Vocational Nurse!
Pharmacy Technician

Have you ever wondered what medications consist of, or how medicine interacts with our bodies to improve our quality of life? Now you have a chance to learn about this and much more.
Nursing - Associate of Applied Science

Earn your Nursing - Associate of Applied Science at RGV College! This program will prepare the student for patient-centered care and the graduate will be able to sit and pass for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses!
Medical Assistant

Medical Assistants are trained to perform admin work, as well as certain basic clinical procedures and assist with exams and lab work. Learn more about becoming one today!
Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA)

The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Rio Grande Valley College (RGVC) is a 5 semester program consisting of 66 credit hours that students will graduate with A.A.S.
Nurse Aide Program

The Nurse Aide Program offers students a chance to become introduced to nursing and learn the fundamental skills needed to become a competent and knowledgeable patient care provider.