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Nursing Program Entrance Requirements

​Steps (1-2) MUST be completed as noted below.


1)We utilize an Immunizations Compliance Program called COMPLIO by AMERICAN DATABANK. During acceptance meeting you will create your profile. Funds need to be available on debit/credit card

$67.00 (DAY)/ $84.00 (EVENING/WEEKEND).


2)A complete Drug Screen will be required by the first day of class. This will be discussed during the acceptance meeting.


​​Steps (3-6) MUST be completed by the date provided at orientation. Failure to do so may result in removal from the program.


3) Current American Heart Association CPR Certification Submit to Complio
4) Driver License (Original, no photocopies or temporary paper receipt) Submit to Complio (as well)
5) Physical Exam Form (completed on both sides) Submit to Complio
6) Required Immunization Documents Submit to Complio

Acceptable documents: Original Immunization Card with validations, Immtrac form from County
(signed/ stamped), high school immunization history (signed/stamped), documentation from
physician’s office on letterhead (signed/ stamped) no flow sheets. NO EMPLOYEE HEALTH RECORDS


             a) Current Tuberculin Skin Test
                   i) If Tb Skin Test is negative - reading must be in millimeters, mm
                  ii) If Tb Skin Test is positive, history of positive, or received out of the country
                      vaccine - provide proof and wait for direction. Do Not get a Chest X-Ray
                      (CXR) until Complio Team advises you to do so. CXR result will need to be
                      achieved with negative results for disease.

             b) Tdap (must be the combination of Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) - Must be completed every                                    10 years.
             c) Hepatitis B Series (three) or Hepatitis B titer indicating antibodies present.
             d) Varicella Series (two) or titer showing antibodies present (if history).
             e) MMR Series (two) (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine or titer showing antibodies present.
              f) Flu Vaccine (October 1st – April 30th)
             g) Meningococcal Vaccine (required for students who are 22 years of age or younger by the first day of                          class.)
             h) COVID vaccine (1 dose J&J or 2 dose Moderna/Pfizer/Astra Zeneca)


7) Fingerprints for Criminal Background Check

(Complete Only When Authorized By TBON approximately 1 month into the program).


For any questions regarding Complio or verification of immunizations please contact Complio Team at


Nursing Program Entrance Requirements Form




Important Contact Information

Vocational Nursing Program Administration


Mrs. Maria Valladares, RN - Director of Nursing

(956) 452-1470


Ms. Brittny Hill Cantu – Assistant Director of Nursing

(956) 283-1113


Ms. Yaritza Lozano, RN - Clinical Coordinator

(956) 608-6237


Ms. Nayet Jacobo – Complio Coordinator

(956) 452-1387


Ms. Maria Ozuna – VN Administrator Assistant

(956) 452-1458



Clinical Coordination Team



Complio Team (Immunization needs)



Study Room Reservation Team



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